Graphic Design
Silk screen print
Graphic Design
Silk screen print
신세계 인터내셔날에서 전개하는 캐주얼 브랜드 DESIGN UNITED에서 진행된 공모전 “DU-GRAPICK”을 위해 디자인한 T-shirt 도안.
기억상실과 정전 및 암전 등 중복적인 의미를 내포하고 있는 “Blackout”이라는 단어에서 착안했다. 최종 선정되어 실제 제품으로 제작되고 DESIGN UNITED 매장에서 판매됐다.
기억상실과 정전 및 암전 등 중복적인 의미를 내포하고 있는 “Blackout”이라는 단어에서 착안했다. 최종 선정되어 실제 제품으로 제작되고 DESIGN UNITED 매장에서 판매됐다.
A T-shirt design designed for the contest “DU-GRAPICK” held by DESIGN UNITED, a casual brand developed by Shinsegae International.
It was inspired by the word “Blackout,” which has overlapping meanings such as memory loss, blackout, and blackout. The final selection was made into a real product and sold at the DESIGN UNITED store.
It was inspired by the word “Blackout,” which has overlapping meanings such as memory loss, blackout, and blackout. The final selection was made into a real product and sold at the DESIGN UNITED store.