©2018. Woowabrothers. All rights reserved.
2019 Daily Calendar “Stick Here Here”
Post-it daily calendar
Editorial Design
Offset print
Post-it daily calendar
Editorial Design
Offset print
“여기여기 붙어라”는 2019년 일력으로 배민문방구를 통해 출시되었다.
3M과 협력하게 되어, 기존 일력들이 갖춘 형식과 모습에서 벗어날 수 있었다.
3M과 협력하게 되어, 기존 일력들이 갖춘 형식과 모습에서 벗어날 수 있었다.
매일 나를 위해 말을 걸어주는 일력. 매일매일 메모하고 이곳저곳 붙일 수 있는 일력을 컨셉으로 제작되었으며, 뜯고나면 버려지는 일력이 아니라 사용자의 메모와 이야기들이 쌓여 1년 간, 한 권의 이야기가 될 수 있도록 구성과 구조를 설계했다.
“Stick here and here” was released through Baemin Store as a calendar in 2019.
By working with 3M, I was able to break away from the form and appearance of the existing workers.
A calendar that speaks to me every day. It was produced with the concept of a calendar that can be memoized every day and pasted here and there, and the composition and structure are designed so that the user's notes and stories are accumulated and become a story book for a year, rather than a calendar that is discarded after tearing it off.
Work for Woowabros.
By working with 3M, I was able to break away from the form and appearance of the existing workers.
A calendar that speaks to me every day. It was produced with the concept of a calendar that can be memoized every day and pasted here and there, and the composition and structure are designed so that the user's notes and stories are accumulated and become a story book for a year, rather than a calendar that is discarded after tearing it off.
Work for Woowabros.